You’ve just married the love of your life! and you can feel everyone looking at you. You want to celebrate this amazing moment with them, but your wedding photographer is saying they need to take some photos first and you’re probably wondering why. Well, since wedding photography is our specialty it would be best if […]

Why The Moment Just After The Ceremony Shows The Best Emotion?

Why You don’t Have to Give Your Photographer a Shot List

You’ve booked your wedding photographer and you are excited to get started. One of the first things that many couples do when they book a wedding photographer is send them an extensive shot list, telling them where they want every single picture taken. If you are considering doing this or have done it before, please […]

What To Look For In Your Wedding Photographer?

Looking and choosing your wedding photographer is one of the most important decisions that you will make before your big day. It may seem like a straightforward decision, but there are many things to consider when choosing your photographer. For example, it’s not enough to simply hire someone with good reviews and take their word […]